We’re the leading locksmith for Taylorsville, KY and surrounding areas.
Our services has all of your locksmith-related needs covered, including lock installation & repair and key duplication and repair. We can even help in the event of a lockout emergency.
Get in touch to find out what makes us one of the leading locksmith companies.
Our unlocking guarantee says that we can unlock anything, including high security padlocks and door locks, electronic security locks and more. Speak to us if you aren’t sure which type of lock you need opened: Our experienced locksmiths will know the model – and how to open it up.
Locked out? Lockout emergencies are one of the most common emergency calls a locksmith can get, and we get them at the rate of a few hundred per year. There’s no need to be embarrassed when you’re locked out – and never try to take care of a lockout event by yourself! Just contact us.
We’re one of the best companies to contact in the event of a locksmith-related emergency: We can send one of our expert locksmiths to your location anywhere in Taylorsville, KY and surrounding areas.
Lock installation, replacement and repair is a service that you might need to improve the security of what’s around you, or it might be an accompanying service that you need after a lockout event. We can help with the installation of high quality locks that guarantee your safety and security.
If you aren’t sure which lock will suit your security needs best, our locksmiths can recommend the right products from our range.
Lost the key or in need of a spare? Contact us for quick, quality key duplication and rekeying. We can do it no matter what type of key you have – including newer electronic keys and keys for vintage locks.
We’re more than just a reliable local locksmith company; we can also help with a range of locksmith services for your car. From ignition and lock replacement or repair to emergency lockout services, we have your needs covered no matter what type of vehicle model you might have.
We hire only the best locksmiths to our team: This means that we guarantee fast and secure lock installations & repairs every time – and that’s the kind of guarantee that not many other companies can give you.
We guarantee high quality products and parts used during our installations and repairs every single time. All of the products in our range are sourced from some of the world’s top security and safety product manufacturers, and all of these products come together with the guarantee that they’ve been tested to international safety and security standards.
If you aren’t sure which products suit your security needs best, our locksmiths can match up your needs with the right product to secure your home, business or vehicle.
We have all of Taylorsville, KY and surrounding areas covered. We’re one of the only locksmith companies who can send a locksmith from our team to your location anywhere in Taylorsville if you’re having an emergency – and we’re one of the only companies in town who can unlock anything you’ve got.